HTANI collaborate with a range of organistions such as EUROCLIO, Ulster University, Queen’s University Belfast, Ulster Museum, HTAI, PRONI to advise, support and produce resources for schools that reflect the CCEA curriculum.
Voices of ’74

HTANI worked with the National Museums NI and Nottingham Trent University on creating teaching resources for the Voices of ’74 digital exhibition. HTANI wrote the educational resources which explore the Sunningdale Agreement and Ulster Workers Council Strike of 1974 to reflect the history curricula of local schools (in particular, to CCEA GCSE History).
Voices of ’68

Voices of ’68 was a collaborative project with HTANI, National Museums NI and Nottingham Trent University. Using a full range of oral accounts and other contemporary artefacts as its key stimuli, the project placed education at the core of its multi-facetted activities. HTANI wrote the educational resources linked to the history curricula of local schools (in particular, to CCEA GCSE History) to accompany the Voices of ’68 project.
Ireland 1900 – 1925: Crisis, War and Revolution

PRONI partnered with the University of Kent and HTANI, to produce a learning resource centred on Partition-era documents from the PRONI archive. The resource reflects the A2 curriculum topic Partition of Ireland 1900-1925, and support study for the A2 paper on Historical Investigations and Interpretations.
Ireland 1900 – 1925: Crisis, War and Revolution Resource pack
Ireland 1922 Independence Partition and Civil War

HTANI worked with Royal Irish Academy to advise on A’ level teachers’ resources to accompany the Ireland 1922: Independence, Partition, Civil War.From the handover of Dublin Castle, to the dawning of a new border across the island, to the fateful divisions of the civil war, Ireland 1922 provides a snapshot of a year of turmoil, tragedy and, amidst it all, state-building as the Irish revolution drew to a close.
Ireland 1922: Independence, Partition, Civil War A’ level teaching resource
Decade of Centenaries KS3 Interactive Worksheets

Members of HTANI collaborated with Ulster University to produce a series of KS3 Resources for the Community Relations Council’s Decade of Anniversaries initiative. This project takes an in-depth look at events between 1912 and and 1922 with a particular case study focus on West Belfast. This project has been designed as a series of learning activities which help pupils to understand the significance of the events which unfolded in Ireland during this period.
Teaching Northern Ireland’s History through Football

Members of HTANI were involved in Football Makes History, a project initiated by Euroclio that reflects upon the societal and educational value of the history and heritage of football. Students from Magherafelt explored the impact of World War One on local rugby and the importance of the Croke Park and the Gaelic Athletic Association in the Irish War of Independence story.
Partition Portal

The Partition Portal website was created for A’level history teachers and students as part of a Ulster University, School of Education PhD project. Members of HTANI contributed to the research project, taking part in surveys, pilots and try-outs. Their feedback helped to shape the development and refinement of the portal. The Partition Portal contains digitised artefacts selected for their relevance to the CCEA GCE A2 2 unit Partition of Ireland topic. These objects have been mapped to the A2 2 History specification and curated according to A2 2 topics, sub-topics and key words.