Welcome from the Chairperson

The History Teachers’ Association of Northern Ireland (HTANI) was set up to provide a forum where teachers can share ideas and resources through networking with colleagues from other schools.
HTANI collaborates with museums and other organisations within the local History community, contributing to projects that develop courses and resources that reflect the needs of teachers in Northern Ireland. HTANI is also affiliated with EUROCLIO, the European Network of History teachers.
Our vision would be that HTANI becomes an essential part of ensuring that History teachers are provided with the support that they require.
We are dedicated to maintaining the position of History as one of the most popular and relevant subjects within the curriculum. We also aim to access funding to provide international networking opportunities for the History teaching community in Northern Ireland. There are a number of events planned for the incoming year and it would be great to see you there.
Denver Charles – Chairperson, HTANI
More information on membership can be found here, join us. We welcome all history educators to join the association, as only our collective efforts will give the subject the standing it deserves, to the benefit of all of society.

Our History
In 2016 the European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO) held their annual conference in Belfast on the theme of “Reimagining Remembrance”. The location and year was apt, given it represented the centenary of the Battle of the Somme and the Easter Rising, two seminal events in local history. At the time there was no established local association. However, a small but merry band of history educators supported EUROCLIO in the development of the event. Inspired by the 30 plus associations present at the event, the time was ripe for an association to be established in Northern Ireland. A small group of individuals with different focuses on History education saw a gap in the professional development and support of History teachers. Carrying a passion for the subject we began the process of starting an association to promote and protect the subject within Northern Ireland, but also look globally to our colleagues across the world.

Shortly after, the call went out and the willing answered. A steering group was created of History educators, active and retired and so the History Teachers’ Association NI (HTANI) was born. The transitional committee began in earnest to establish the Association and a series of events both for educators and young people were held. Our membership grew slowly over the period and in October 2017 we held our inaugural Annual General Meeting where we elected our first member mandated committee. Find out more about how HTANI is governed.