The Community Relations Council NI Good Relations Week 2021 will run from Monday 20th to Sunday 26th September 2021.
The theme is ‘Brighter Days Ahead’ and the programme aims to shine a light on the peace building and cultural diversity efforts of young people and the challenges they are facing.
The programme of community relations events celebrate the work of people and communities in creating and sustaining good relations.
This year local groups and organisations are hosting physical and virtual events around Northern Ireland throughout the week.
HTANI members Sean Pettis and Alan McCully will be hosting a Good Relations Week workshop 5.30 to 7.30 pm Tuesday 21 September, 2021

Hard Questions: Exploring Controversial Issues with Young People
This interactive session focuses on exploring controversial issues with young people in divided societies. Dr Judy Pace (University of San Francisco) will provide conceptual and practical tools based on her book, Hard Questions: Learning to Teach Controversial Issues, and cross-national scholarship. The book presents case studies of teacher preparation in NI, the US, and England. Audience members (teachers, youth/community workers, school leaders and those who engage in cross-community encounter groups) will engage in activities and discussion directly related to their practice.
The zoom link is
For more information contact: Dr. Alan McCully –